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Meet Tyler Leech, Founder of The Barefoot Autism Challenge
Meet Tyler Leech, founder of the Barefoot Autism Challenge! For many people with autism, barefooting helps...

Guest Post: Child Free at 30 Something
What does it truly mean to be child free, and why do some people choose to do so? Not only is it a personal choice...

Meet Bevin, the Queer Fat Femme Who Spreads Joy Through Dance
Bevin (she/her) is an amazing blogger and podcaster who spreads joy through her body positive aerobics class! She...

Chest Binding: How to Bind Safely
Binding is a common practice for those who want their chest to look flatter, but it's important to bind safely to avoid negative effects.

How to Find Gender Euphoria Without Hormones or Surgery (FTM)
Discover some ways to find gender euphoria that are accessible for all ftm folks, with or without medically transitioning.

Top Surgery Prep List
How to make sure you're fully prepared for your upcoming top surgery.

Yes, Top Surgery Was Worth It
People question whether getting top surgery was a mistake- I stand by my decision that it was one of the best things I've done for myself.

Your First Year on Testosterone HRT
Thinking about starting HRT? Learn what you can expect from someone who just finished their first year on testosterone.
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